Empower Your Space: Crystal’s Property Management and Services – Where Precision Meets Pristine.

Hardwood Floor Refinishing

Restoration and refinishing services to bring back the luster and elegance of your hardwood floors.


Restoration and refinishing services to revive the shine and durability of hardwood floors.

Features & Benefits:

Renewed floor aesthetics, protection against wear, and increased property value.


Expertise in floor restoration and refinishing, bringing back the luster of hardwood floors and preserving their quality.

Ideal Customers:

Homeowners, businesses, and property managers with hardwood floors, aiming for floor restoration and preservation.

Turnaround Time:

Depends on the size and condition of the hardwood floor, with completion typically within a few days.

Clear the Area:

Remove furniture, rugs, and any other items from the room to provide clear access to the floor.

Protect Surroundings:

Cover doorways, vents, and any openings to other rooms with plastic sheeting to contain dust.

Inspect and Repair:

Check the floor for protruding nails, staples, or damaged areas.

Sweep Thoroughly:

Remove all dust and debris from the floor.

Tack Cloth:

Wipe down the floor with tack cloths to ensure it is clean and free of dust before proceeding.

Apply Finish:

Use a lambswool applicator, synthetic applicator, brush, or pad to apply the finish evenly. Follow the wood grain and ensure consistent coverage.